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About Districts



What is a conservation district?

Conservation districts are units of local government designed to help citizens conserve their soil, water, and other renewable natural resources.

They were organized in the 1930s as a response to the “Dust Bowl” days. In 1937, President Roosevelt encouraged Montana to adopt legislation enabling the creation of local soil conservation districts. The state of Montana passed legislation creating its conservation districts in 1939 to provide for local control of natural resource management programs and activities.

Montana’s conservation districts partner with private landowners to keep our land and water healthy for the next generation. Local conservation districts are led and staffed by area residents to champion balanced conservation solutions for those they serve.

Montana’s 58 conservation districts cover all counties and include more than 70 municipalities within district boundaries.

Find Your District

What does a conservation district do?

Conservation districts are locally led and focus on the needs of their specific area.

Montana is a large state with diverse needs. Every conservation district is unique, as are the services and programs they provide. Each conservation district focuses on the needs of its specific area. Some of the services provided by conservation districts include:

  • Stream (310) Permitting
  • Soil Health Programming
  • Streambed Restoration
  • Watercraft Inspection Stations (AIS)
  • Rangeland Resources
  • and more…

How to get Involved

Participate in your District's Programs

Many conservation districts host programs and educational events. Contact your local conservation district to learn more about events in your area and how you can help.

Join the Board

A volunteer board of directors manages each conservation district. Serving as a board member or an associate is a great way to participate in local conservation efforts. Contact your conservation district for more information about open board positions.

Consider a Career in Conservation

Paid positions are occasionally available in various conservation districts. Visit our job board to learn about available job opportunities.

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